What are the Benefits of Turmeric?

Heart Health, Inflammation, Longevity

What is Turmeric? Nowadays it is very difficult to miss this spice. This member of the ginger family seem to be everywhere. You will find...

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Echinacea Tea: Not only for Colds


During the flu season, many of us will be thinking of ways to keep the sniffles headache and coughing away. A healthy immune system is the...

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Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Glucose Control, Heart Health, Inflammation, Longevity

    There is now documented proof that cinnamon a  common  spice does indeed have medicinal qualities.  It is important to look at the...

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Passion Flower for Anxiety

Emotional Health

What is Anxiety Everyone can relate to a time when they have felt anxious. It might have been before an exam, before giving a big speech or...

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Parsley: Powerful Herb with many Benefits

Inflammation, Longevity

Parsley On the Side Parsley is one of the most well known herbs, but spends most of its time adorning the top of some tasty platter of...

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