Written by 3:02 am Glucose Control, Sexual Health

What is Fenugreek?

What is Fenugreek
Fenugreek is an old medicinal plant, which  originated on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, but it  is also cultivated in Egypt, India, Africa and England. Historically, the  seeds have been used for medicine and culinary purposes,  by the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans.  Today fenugreek remains a popular cooking spice in India and Asia.  At this time, fenugreek is being further studied for its health benefits.  The leaves and the seeds  can both be used freely. According to the records  the health benefits of fenugreek are many.
Fenugreek Uses
Cooking with fenugreek is a great way to spice up a dish.  It is one of the spices in Panch Phoran  used in many  curry dishes.  It is also used  to flavor chutneys and sauces.  On its own this  seed can be bitter.

Health benefits of Fenugreek
In some parts of the world fenugreek is used as a lactation stimulant a digestive aid and a cancer treatment. In other areas it used as treatment for hormonal  disorders, alopecia, skin rashes and asthma.  However, recent studies have shown that fenugreek can lower cholesterol and blood sugar in diabetics.   Although most of these studies were done in the lab in vitro and in vivo, there have been some small clinical studies that show some promise.

Fenugreek and  Type 2 Diabetics 
Studies show that fenugreek work in different ways to decrease blood sugar.One study, published in the British Journal of Pharmacology in September 2005 showed that fenugreek worked through a signalling pathway in the liver to remove glucose from the blood.   Another study  showed that an amino acid in fenugreek seeds stimulated the beta cells of the pancreas to put out more insulin, while  inhibiting 2 enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, at the same time. A clinical  study was done in China  with Type 2 diabetic patients in 2008.  These patients  blood sugars were not well controlled on oral hypoglycemics.The addition of  fenugreek seeds improved glycemic control  about  30%.  A couple other clinical studies showed improvements in glucose levels and cholesterol.

Fenugreek and Testosterone
Does fenugreek increase testosterone in men?Two compounds found in fenugreek in particular furostonitic saponins and protodioscin seemed to have worked well. Well it seems there have been several clinical studies done.  


There are also  some cautions, it may potentiate blood thinner activity. Some reports of low blood sugar have been documented.  As usual all herbal supplement’s should be cleared with your doctor. 

Tags: , Last modified: August 2, 2020