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Watercress Health Benefits

Is water cress a herb or vegetable? Well it seems scientists consider it a herbaceous plant. It grown in water, hence the name. However, You can also grow it in a pt at home.So we classify it as a herb in this article. Watercress  looks quite unassuming but is extremely powerful. It is very rich in nutrients, packed with minerals  Keep reading to see why you should put it on your grocery list.
Watercress is one of the greens that is available all year round.This super food is considered to be a powerful anti-oxidant and cancer protector. 

Health Benefits of Watercress
Research has shown that eating watercress daily can significantly reduce DNA damage by free radicals. It is an important source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K , Iron and Magnesium.  Consumption of watercress was found to reduce blood triglycerides by 10%. Most importantly, eating watercress may reduce ones susceptibility to cancer especially breast cancer.

Preserves Vision 
Zeaxanthin and lutein 2 carotenoids found in watercress may help preserve vision. Diet is the only way one can get those carotenoids. They have been found to lower the risk of adult onset macular degeneration a major cause of blindness in older adults. As little as 1 cup of raw watercress contains 1900 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin.

Watercress and Breast Cancer
In September 2010 an important study was reported in the news. Researchers working with subjects and watercress consumption had uncovered an important finding. They found that watercress contained a compound that blocked a protein that encouraged cancer tissue growth. with 4 breast cancer survivors.

 Watercress may help Starve Cancer Cells
If this finding is proven correct it will be a big deal. Some scientists believe that cancer cells hate oxygen. This makes their  metabolism different from normal cells. Normal cells need oxygen to survive, cancer cells do not.Being in a hypoxic state differentiate cancer cells from normal cells. When those cells are found, it would be easier to target the blood vessels that feed them.

 The Cancer Gangs
Another group of scientists  are experimenting targeting the cells surrounding a solid tumor that may help it to grow. Dr. Weinberg, a scientist refer to those cells as “cancer gangs” they are not cancer cells but take “orders” from the cancer. Therefore, they may help feed the cancer. Now that is where watercress comes in. Watercress has a compound that will “block” one particular member of that “cancer gang” thereby by slowing down spread. The research is ongoing.  No one knows how the experiment will turn out. But in the meantime it wouldn’t hurt to eat a little more watercress. Have some watercress soup,  include some  watercress in a fresh salad or even as part of a sandwich. The peppery taste is bound to perk up the taste buds.  Bon appetit.  

Last modified: August 1, 2020