Written by 9:58 pm Glucose Control, Inflammation, Weight Control

The Enormous Health Benefits of Dandelion

The health benefits of dandelions are huge Most of us spend the spring and summer months trying to get rid of this hardy weed. The dandelion is mostly regarded as a pest to be continuously pulled and removed from lawns.

But did you know that the dandelion “King of Weeds” as it is sometimes called, is one of the top nutritional and medicinal herbs. It is chockful  with a number high level nutrients.

There is documented proof that the  dandelion  ranks as No.4 in overall nutrition, it is even  higher than grains.  It is one of the richest sources of  of Vitamin A and beta carotene.  This green  is a very good source of   potassium, calcium and magnesium and is rich in micro-nutrients  such as boron, zinc and cobalt.

This powerhouse of nutrition   is not lost on the people who eat dandelion flowers regularly.  They can sometimes be used  in soups, omelets or  fritters., or be  made into a delicious salad. For those who like making their own wine, this herb presents a good opportunity to experiment with some new wine recipes..  In case you would like to give dandelion wine a try  then head over to cooks.com   where you will; find a wide  variety of dandelion wine recipes.

The medicinal  benefits of dandelions are numerous. .  This plant has been used as a skin cleanser,to  help with weight reduction, and  to prevent and control diabetes. Many people use it for  heartburn and stomach upset.  Some use it to detoxify the liver. It has been used  together with milk thisle  for maximum results. However, dandelion is mostly famous for its use as a diuretic.

These diuretic  properties have been considered  so important that dandelion  is a registered drug in Canada. Its potassium sparing benefits is considered to be critical.  Because it does not cause the body to lose  as much potassium . This herb  is also believed to be safe for children.. There have been  reports of excellent results from drinking  dandelion tea  to relieve water weight and bloating.

Maybe dandelions were put here for a reason, none of the pulling and digging and poking is able to fully eradicate them. Generally  it takes a lot of herbicide to do the job.  Therefore if you choose to eat dandelions it would be healthier to  try to use the ones that are herbicide free.  The ones at the grocery store would be the best bet. Maybe the next time you see  those yellow heads all over the lawn you may just see a source of wild food and  another one of nature’s pharmacies.

Tags: , Last modified: August 2, 2020