Written by 2:28 am Immunity, Inflammation

Ten Things to know about Basil

  1. Although there are several varieties of Basil, two types are the most known.  Sweet Basil known as the King of Herbs and Holy Basil or Tulsi known as the Queen of Herbs. 
  2. Holy Basil has been used in India for a number of years. It is considered sacred.  It also revered for its medicinal attributes.  For instance, tea made with this spice, is used for several ailments, including the treatment of bronchial problems as an aid to excessive mucous production.
  3. Basil has been shown to reduce inflammation by about 73% in arthritic patients which is comparable to to some of the drugs that are commonly used. Works as a Cox Inhibitor just like Nsaids.
  4. The various Basil have different scents because of the oils that come together in variations.  For instance, the strong clove scent in sweet basil  comes from eugenol the same compound found actual cloves.
  5. The oils from Basil were  studied against drug resistant bacteria and the results were found to be quite encouraging.
  6. Basil is one of the healthiest  and most well known spice used in cooking world wide.
  7. If the plant is allowed to flower, it can produce seeds which can be saved and planted the next year.
  8.  Theses seeds  are sometimes soaked and used in drinks in some cultures.
  9. The name Basil has Greek origins.  However, folklore has it that the Greeks disliked the herb because  they thought that it attracted scorpions.
  10. In some parts of the world, there are tales of  basil being placed in the  in the hands of the dead to ensure safe journey.

Last modified: August 5, 2020