Written by 4:22 pm Brain Health, Longevity

Does Sage Help Memory?


Memory loss was improved with the herb sage, will it help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease? That is what the researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University hope to find out. A clinical trial was completed at the end of 2014 to determine the “effectiveness of the herb sage in improving the mental function of individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease”. The study was conducted in collaboration with The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM).  No conclusions have been drawn yet. But other studies are ongoing.

Sage improves memory
Sage (salvia officinalis) has been a very valued herb for centuries. It was used to treat inflammation of the gums, for canker sores and tonsillitis. Early herbalists also praised sage for being a memory booster. It was from the teachings of these early herbalists that scientists from Newcastle in England decided to test the efficacy of sage with respect to recall in young adult ages 18-35. Some of the participants involved were given capsules with sage oil and some a placebo. The results showed that the ones who receive the sage oil consistently performed better on recall  than the other group. That study showed the effectiveness of sage on young adults. It is left to be seen if sage will be equally effective with older adults. Ironically,  a self administered test now being done to screen for early dementia is called Self-.Administered Examination (SAGE)

Sage for Alzheimer’s Disease
Why is sage so important in relation to people with Alzheimer’s disease? It appears that some of the chemical compounds found in sage may act similarly to the pharmaceuticals that are used for Alzheimer’s disease. Sage contain inhibitors for cholinesterase. This in turn prolong the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is involved in preserving memory as we age.  Many prescription drugs do the same thing.

In addition Two compounds cecarsonic acid and rosemarinic acid two very strong antioxidant act to counteract the free radical damage to the brain. Another chemical found in sage also counters the damaging effect of the excessive amount of plaques and tangles found in the brain of persons with Alzheimer’s Disease.

The Age of Alzheimer’s
Currently and estimated 5.8  million Americans are affected by Alzheimer’s disease. As life expectancy increases the number of people who develop this disease will increase. It is therefore extremely urgent that measures to prevent this disease be taken seriously. The natural medicines in herbs may present such a measure. Because we are living longer Alzheimer’s  disease has the possibility of becoming an epidemic. In the meantime for those of us who can tolerate it the herb sage may present a means of helping memory remain intact.
It is easy to grow and dry your own sage. Very few side effects have been reported with use of sage leaves. However there have been inflammatory responses with the use of the tea. Apparently, trujone, one of the chemicals found in sage can be toxic in large amounts and could cause convulsions.

Last modified: March 7, 2021