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Passion Flower for Anxiety

What is Anxiety

Everyone can relate to a time when they have felt anxious. It might have been before an exam, before giving a big speech or boarding an aircraft. Anxiety is a normal human behavior that involves mind and body. It serves as a survival mechanism. However, sometimes anxiety can deteriorate into a disorder, called generalized anxiety disorder. The condition can sometimes be triggered by stress. This is an excessive exaggerated worry about impending disaster, money, or health. The worry sometimes may be disproportionate to the real situation. Although, there are drugs available to treat this disorder, Some sufferers seek a more natural means of treatment. 

 What is Passion flower? 
 This plant is native to Peru. It has also been cultivated throughout Europe and Caribbean. There are several varieties and the colors vary from magenta to blue. Some species have been further cultivated to make their fruits more edible.

It has been documented that it is the flavonoids in the flowers that contain the active compounds. These flavonoids have a calming effect on the body. Because of this effect, passion flower has both sedative and anxiolytic properties. Passion flower is mainly used in Europe to combat stress, anxiety and insomnia It appears that passion flower works by toning the sympathetic nerve. It is sometimes used in some parts of the world it i as an anti-inflammatory and mild pain killer.
 Passion Flower and Anxiety
 It is documented that in 1569 passion flower was being used in Peru as a sleep aid. The natives made a tea at night to calm down after a long day. In a study published in the Journal of Medicine and food, June 2008, researchers working with animal models found passion flower just as effective as diazepam in treating anxiety. Another study published in The Journal of Ethnopharmacology, concluded that passion flower leaves taken at low dose had an anxiolytic effect but at high doses became a sedative. One clinical trial done with 60 pre-op patients in Brazil found that their anxiety scores were significantly lower in the 2 groups who took oral passion flower supplement. It has been documented that in a randomized study done with 3 groups of 18pts, one group received a placebo, another group received 30mg of oxazepam and another 45drops/day of passionflower extract liquid. After 4 weeks of study, the researchers concluded that passion flower was just as effective for general anxiety disorder as oxazepam, a phamaceutical for anxiety.
 Passion Flower Use 
 We can all agree that more clinical studies need to be done before widespread use will be recommended However, there are those who believe that the anecdotal evidence is very compelling. For example, Dr. Oz on one of his shows in June of this year recommended taking a couple drops of passion flower extract in tea or water to help reduce anxiety. He found it was just as effective as some of the prescriptions drugs. It would seem that passion flower does help anxiety. What do you think? As usual if you decide to take herbs to straighten your body, make sure to discuss this with your doctor. As noted, herbs can act as drugs and can interfere with other medications that you may be taking.

Last modified: July 31, 2020