Written by 4:09 am Inflammation, Longevity

Parsley: Powerful Herb with many Benefits

Parsley On the Side
 Parsley is one of the most well known herbs, but spends most of its time adorning the top of some tasty platter of food.  We al remember the sprigs of parsley that get tossed out after the dish is consumed.  Fresh parsley on the plate rarely gets eaten. Nevertheless this common leafy herb is a powerhouse of nutrients.  It contains powerful antioxidants, it has three time as  much Vitamin C as an orange,  a great source of Vitamin A and K. Parsley also contain a substantial amount  iron and manganese.

Parsley Health Benefits
Parsley is native to the Mediterranean but  has been cultivated for more than 2000 years.  There are many varieties but the most popular are the curly and Italian  leaf parsley. Historically,  parsley was used by the Greeks for stomach ailments among other things. Incidentally, they also used parsley as garnish.  They were known to place the herb on dishes to prevent contamination. Presently scientists are discovering that the flavonones in parsley may be potent 
Breast Cancer and Apinigen 
The apinigen inparsley has been studient in animal models quite substantively and scientists have discovered that apinigen is a powerful cancer fighter. Many 

Inflammatory Issues
The medicinal oils and flavonoids, apiole, myristicin, terpinolene, and others. Those are pretty very notable and offers some therapeutic value by regular use-the high level of antioxidants in parsley makes it a perfect fit for people at risk to develop arthritis and other joint inflammation 

 In herbal medicine today, parsley tea is used as a diuretic for high blood pressure control.. There is some animal research that seem to confirm this. In addition parsley has been approved for the treatment of urinary tract infection and kidney stones  by Germany’s Commission E. Parsley is also very important for its antioxidant properties. It is able to raise the antioxidant level in the blood  by increasing apigenin a flavonoid, which is stored in the body. Parsley has also been found to reduce inflammation.

Parsley and Kidney Cleansing
Do the kidneys really need cleansing? If  someone is well hydrated with fluids, fruits and
vegetables then the kidneys are able to ” cleanse” themselves and the body.  Many of those cleanses are parsley based . Parsley is a known natural diuretic, it works by preventing the absorption of sodium and potassium thereby causing diuresis. Therefore chances of getting kidney stones is decreased.. However, there  is no evidence that “cleansing the kidneys” detoxifies the body. 
Breast Cancer Protection?

Parsley in the Diet
It should not be too difficult  to eat  a little more parsley. Parsley can easily be  grown  and can be found in most grocery stores.  Let us put  parsley in the dish instead of on the dish..  Parsley can be tossed into soups, salads or omelets. The  Moroccan salad  tabbouleh is a popular dish which contains a good portion  of parsley. Parsley can also used in sauces  and served with meats or fish.. For those of us who can tolerate it, parsley should be brought to center stage for good health. What do you think?

That said, those with known kidney disease should avoid taking large amounts of parsley as the oxalate produced could further damage the kidneys.


Last modified: July 21, 2020