Written by 2:06 am Glucose Control, Heart Health, Inflammation, Longevity

Health Benefits of Cinnamon


  There is now documented proof that cinnamon a  common  spice does indeed have medicinal qualities.  It is important to look at the herbs and spices that have been studied and found to have healing properties.  One wonders what do those studies mean?  Are some herbs to be considered more safe than others because of their scientific backing? Or should those herbs and spices be further tested.

   For example cinnamon, is a spice which has been around since the Middle ages. However new research in the health benefits of cinnamon has put it back in the spot light. It seems that cinnamon may reduce blood sugar in some individuals with Type 2 diabetes when used as a supplement with other diabetes treatment.

Eventhough there have been several small studies done since 2003 there’s still no definition as to how cinnamon really works to lower the blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes. and therefore scientists conclude that more research is needed in that area.
There are some noteworthy observations. Note, majority of the studies were done using cinnamon capsules or 1g, 3gm or 6gm dosages, where consumption could be accurately documented. There are no known studies done with the consumption of cinnamon tea or other products.  

Cinnamon may have some health benefits, but due to the lack of consistent results. Diabetics should not rely on this method as the only way to control blood sugar.

Precautions- People with liver problems should not take cinnamon.


Last modified: August 2, 2020