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Garlic Benefits are Real

History of garlic
It is a fact that garlic has been used longer as medicine than a spice. In ancient days garlic was used as a treatment for deafness, dropsy, leprosy and respiratory illnesses. For that matter, modern medical anthropologists gives garlic credit for helping to prevent epidemic diseases during those ancient times. Garlic contains allicin, a compound that fights bacteria. It also contains vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and potassium. In fact it is said that slaves who built the Ancient Pyramids of Egypt survived because of regular use of garlic?  

Health benefits of garlic
Undoubtedly, garlic is one of the most widely used culinary spices in the world, however over the last several years the medicinal value of garlic has been at the forefront due to its long standing therapeutic values. This article will examine the perceived special benefits to eating garlic.

Garlic benefits for men
In 2016 scientists in South Korea conducted a study to see if garlic would have any effect on an enlarged prostate. Consequently, what they found, is that the administration of garlic lowered the weight of the prostate, and decreased the inflammation. The scientists also noted that cell death of potential cancer cells in the prostate were increased. The study concluded that garlic had a great potential to be developed into a treatment for enlarged prostate, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Another unrelated study found that men who ate lots of garlic and onion had a 28% decrease in BPH. 

Garlic Benefits and cancer

Most of the research on garlic has been done on one of its oil soluble compounds called allicin. It is produced when garlic is crushed. According to the The American for Cancer Research Institute, animal studies have shown that allicin has shown a potential to affect many types of cancers. Here in part is what they noted.

  • inhibiting enzymes that activate carcinogens
  • boosting enzymes that remove the effects of carcinogens
  • reducing inflammation that could support cancer development
  • supporting DNA Repair
  • slowing growth and stimulating self-destruction of cancer cells without disturbing normal cells
  • limiting cancer’s ability to spread by decreasing a tumor’s ability to grow new blood vessels
(Source: American Institute for Cancer research)

Hypertension and Garlic
There have been some patient studies done using garlic to lower high blood pressure. For example in 2012 a randomized control trial with 79 hypertensive patients was conducted in Australia. Participants received 2 aged garlic tablets given over 12 weeks. Blood pressure was lowered by 11 points. Even though this was a small study the researchers concluded that garlic pills can be used in conjunction with other blood pressure meditations. But not as a stand alone therapy. At least not at this time. 
It has also been confirmed that garlic acts as a blood thinner so it is somewhat protective against strokes.

High Cholesterol and Garlic
The research shows varied results. Earlier studies said that garlic was able to lower total cholesterol. However, the latest research says that there is no marked effect. Lets see what future studies produce.

Precautions – People who are on blood thinners should tell their Doctor if they are taking garlic pills. Because their blood may get too thin.

Last modified: July 17, 2020