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Chamomile Tea Benefits may include General Anxiety Disorder

 There are two varieties The German chamomile and the English chamomile. The German chamomile is more popular in the united states.This herb was used in ancient medicine throughout time. Ancient Egypt used it to treat all types of aliments including fever, colds and many aches and pains. The Romans used it as an antidote for serpent bites. They found that calming hysteria, helping with sleep problems and depression was one of the best chamomile tea benefits.  

Health Benefits of Chamomile

There are many claims about chamomile tea benefiting the immune system and helping with cold and infections. There have also been studies to that effect. In another study drinking chamomile tea decreased systolic blood pressure significantly by increasing urinary output. However, researchers are really excited about the potential of chamomile as it relates to general anxiety disorder.

What is General Anxiety disorder

  According to the National institute of Health 40 million American adults are affected by anxiety disorders every year. All of us worry about things in life such as money, health or family issues, but for people with General Anxiety Disorder, these common worries become amplified, in addition they worry about many everyday things. The problem can become so bad that these people are unable to function. They are unable to relax, have a hard time concentrating and are unable to control their constant worries.

Chamomile Tea and General Anxiety
 Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania recently conducted a double blind study to test the effect of chamomile extract on people suffering from mild to moderate general anxiety disorder. For eight weeks 57 participants received capsules containing 220mg of German chamomile extract or a capsule that contained only the chamomile scent. After the testing, the researchers used the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale to assess their results. They were extremely pleased to discover that the participants who received the real chamomile reported a clinically significant  reduction in their anxiety. These researchers  believe that those  results show that chamomile could benefit people with mild or moderate anxiety.

How to use Chamomile
You may be wondering how to use chamomile. Well, this herb is available in flowers, tea bags, capsules, extracts and ointments. It all depends on what you are looking for. Although it is fairly safe people with an allergy to the daisy or sunflower family of plants, those with asthma and pregnant women should not take this herb. However in all cases if you are taking medications you should always check with your doctor before trying to take advantage of  chamomile tea benefits .

Last modified: October 21, 2011