Author: Jay

A Spice called Clove


A healthy spice Clove is such a satple in the kitchen. Cloves have been used as a culinary spice in Asian an Indian cuisine for...

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Coriander or Cilantro? Confusing

Glucose Control, Immunity, Longevity

Is cilantro the same as coriander. Well they are from the same plant.  That plant is called coriander. Its leaves are refereed to as...

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Milk Thistle: Tonic for Liver Health

Immunity, Non-Culinary

The milk thistle is a plant that  has been used for centuries as a treatment  for  disorders of the liver. Extracts of the...

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Valerian for Anxiety – Does It Relieve Stress

Emotional Health

Valerian is a herb that has been proven to be effective for insomnia.  However, valerian for anxiety is still in question. Many people...

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Thyme: Health Benefits for our Life Time


Thyme has been  used for centuries, traditionally it is used to flavor stews and is mixed in with roasted vegetables. Thyme  is a...

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