Written by 5:16 pm Digestive, Eye Health, Heart Health, Herbal gardens

Just Add A Little More Chive

7 Things to Know about Chives

1.Fights Cancer

Chive is protective against cancer. As a member of the Allium family which includes garlic and onion, chive is now getting a deeper look. A couple small research studies have concluded that chives are protective against breast and gastro-intestinal cancer.

2. Vision Help

A study in 2017 published by the NIH, has shown that Lutein and Zeaxanthins 2 carotenoids also found in chives, greatly assists in maintaining vision health especially age related macular degenerative disease of the eye.

3. May Improve Heart Health

Chive is  a member of the garlic family and also contains Allicin which has been associated with lowering cholesterol , and blood pressure. So for those who cannot eat garlic, chives are a great alternative.

4. Bone Health

Although chives are a rich source of Vitamin K, which helps prevent bone demineralization. It is sufficient for bone health for those who do not or are unable to consume green vegetables.

5. Great for the Skin

Chives are a good source of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that boots healthy skin. Some women swear by a facemask containing chives. They report a good reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

6. May Help Rid of Kidney Stones

In 2017, some researchers in Indonesia found that the phytochemical
compounds, tannins and various minerals such as potassium, found in chives helped to dissolve calcium oxalate in certain kidney stones.

7. Overall Immune Boost

Chives are  indeed a high nutrient culinary herb. It contains high levels of Vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system. It does so by stimulating the production of white blood cells and collagen, which is so important for creating new blood cells, and muscles in other to keep one healthy.

Please use with caution if you are on blood thinning medication or if you are allergic to garlic or onions. There will be a more in depth follow up post on the unusual benefits of chives.

Last modified: September 12, 2021