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Bay Leaf – Powerful Antioxidant

Who would think that that a leaf, which most us see as dried up leaves in a bottle could be so powerful?

Many varieties of bay leaves are used throughout the world, including the West Indian bay leaf and Indonesian bay leaf. There are a few species of bay leaf that are poisonous, specifically the cherry laurel and mountain laurel, but these varieties aren’t sold as herbs. The bay leaves used for culinary purposes are not toxic and are safe to cook with.  The dry leaves are usually used in cooking, it may be due to the fact that bay leaves are considered to be more aromatic than flavorful and so the leaves are removed from  the dish before it

Bay leaves have been used traditional medicine to relieve symptoms of indigestion, gas and bloating. so if you are using a food that is very gassy put a couple bay leaves in that would certainly do the trick. According to a 2019 report released  a Medicinal Plant  Journal, bay leaves  did not only taste good,  but gave relief from stomach pain, intestinal infections, unwanted gas, bloating, irregular bowel movements, as well as diarrhea.


Cancer Benefits

A new study found that extract from Bay leaves can kill cancer cells  in the lab.  It was highly effective against colorectal and breast cancer cells. Further study is needed to see whether bay leaf has any effect on cancer patients.

Elevated Blood Sugar and Cholesterol

In a study published in Pub med, it appears that dried bay leaves given in capsule form to 40 patients made a significant drop drop in the participants blood glucose and cholesterol.  Read the study herehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2613499/#__abstractid549508title

In 2020, bay leaf tea dropped cholesterol in healthy volunteers.  As a result there is a push for more studies with people suffering from high cholesterol.  However, it is wise to note that these studies were tightly controlled with specific amount of ground bay leaves. 


Diabetics should not take any herbs  without informing their doctor, as  not all diabetics may be able to tolerate bay leaf therapy.

Kidney Stones

Although there have been some rumors that bay leaf teas could  cure kidney stones, no concrete studies could be located. However, some studies about bayleaf tea and kidney infection was found. In those studies the scientists proposed that the tea may prevent kidney stones in people who are prone to them.


There has been some studies done in rats where the essential oils from the bay leaf was used to prevent seizures, There were some good results, but there was some level of toxicity  even if they were not detrimental.


Bayleaf is a powerful herb with many polyphenols and antioxidant activity,  It is beneficial to human on certain levels. It is  probably safe if taken  in small doses over short periods. However, long term use as a medicine is still unsure.

Last modified: July 25, 2021