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Milk Thistle: Tonic for Liver Health

The milk thistle is a plant that  has been used for centuries as a treatment  for  disorders of the liver. Extracts of the plant are said to contain compounds that protect the liver from toxins. The botanical name is Silybum marianum .  It is also known as Holy thistle.

 Active Compounds
The medicinal ingredient  silymarin is found in the seeds and is said to protect against cell damage. Silamarin contains 4 compounds silybinin, isosilybin, silychristin, and silydianin.  Most of the research has been centered on these compounds rather than on the whole plant.

Anti-Cancer Effect
Lab studies have shown that silymarin and its active compounds may have anti cancer effects. These substances appear to stop cancer cells from dividing and reproducing,they may also reduce metastasis of these cells.  Furthermore , It appears that an extract from milk thistle  plant significantly reduced inflammation in children receiving chemotherapy for leukemia., thereby reducing liver toxicity. Silibinin, one of the compounds of this herb was found to have a strong anticancer effect on prostate cancer cells in addition, some studies reveal that the therapeutic dose of chemotherapy was better tolerated because the toxic load on the liver was greatly reduced by silibinin

Milk Thistle possible Hepatitis C Treatment
A study published in Journal of  Herpetology examined the  effectiveness of sylymarin against Hepatitis C virus. In that study, the scientists found that both users and non users of milk thistle showed similar viral load of hepatitis C, however the users of the herb showed fewer liver related symptoms and enjoyed a better quality of life. In a more recent study conducted in the lab, silymarin inhibited T-cell proliferation and cytokine production  in Hepatitis C infection.

Liver Health – For detoxification
The liver is our largest internal organ and works daily to metabolize toxins found  in the blood. When the body is in a diseased state, extra stress  is inflicted on the liver. Sometimes the liver is unable to cope with the amount of toxins it has to handle and becomes over whelmed. Whenever that happens  the person fighting the disease is further compromised. A healthy liver is extremely important to help fight disease.

Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant and protects the liver from damage. This  herbal is considered safe however people with ragweed allergy should be aware. It is not recommended for persons  with hormone related cancers, including breast and prostate. Therefore if you think you have liver disease, it is important to see your doctor, as liver disease can be serious.  The recommended  for adults is between 280 – 450 mg in divided doses.  The dose is based on the silymarin content. For better results buy a high quality product.  You can find such a product at the link below.

Last modified: August 3, 2020