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A Spice called Clove

A healthy spice
Clove is such a satple in the kitchen. Cloves have been used as a culinary spice in Asian an Indian cuisine for generations.   Cloves have also been used in medicine for years.  In the United States, eugenol extracts, one of the compounds from cloves have been used in mouth wash and  can sometimes be found in mild topical anesthetics used by dentists.  A study published in March 2010, confirmed the findings of the June 2006 study with regard to the spice clove. They both concluded that cloves had a very high antioxidant value.

The Clove Studies
In 2006 researchers decided to do an  analysis on 1113 food samples. They wanted to see which foods were capable of reducing oxidative stress, and also which ones had the highest level of  antioxidants. The results of their study was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researchers were able to generate a list of the top 50 food products and their antioxidant level.  Spices were in the top 5.  The No. 1 spot went to the spice clove .  It came in at 125.5mml/ per 100gm. The other study was based in Spain. The scientists there were trying to find a natural antioxidant that would extend the shelf life of foods, especially meat. They tested the essential oils of several spices, oregano. thyme, rosemary, and clove. The researchers found that cloves had the highest amount of total phenols and” inhibited DDPH radicals at a higher percentage”.  In their conclusion the scientists were of the opnion that their results could have an impact on human health and the food industry.

Cloves and our Health
How does this research impact  our health?  What do those studies mean to us? Antioxidants are compounds found in food that can decrease free radicals in the body. It is known that excessive free radicals  in the body, can damage cells and may affect our heart, immune system and accelerate aging .Antioxidants, found in food are able to slow down the aging process by protecting  our cells and organs from oxidative damage.  Should we be adding more cloves to our diet?  Well, for those of us who can tolerate it, adding  the spice clove to the diet could  be another source of antioxidant to help us strengthen our body and maintain good health.

Cloves in the Diet
There are several ways that cloves can be  incorporated   in the diet for some benefit.  Cloves  can be bought whole or ground.  The flavor of clove is very strong. Care must be taken when using ground ground cloves, too much can easily overwhelm a dish. Ground cloves can  be used in deserts, puddings or savory dishes  Whole cloves can be used when cooking meats, poultry and fish. Cloves can also be used in drinks especially  hot  apple cider. The flavor of clove is unmistakable. It is a very aromatic spice and could very well become a favorite.

Last modified: August 3, 2020